Monday, February 13, 2012

30 day

My 30 day challenge is to recycle as much as I can. Me and my mom both drink tons of water bottles each week and we dont recycle them. As for my dad, he drinks pop in the cans. Those can easily be recycled or even taken in for money. After the 30 days I still hope I can keep doing the environment good.

I have decided to keep the same 30 day challenge. I have sucessfully recycled all my plastic water and gatorade bottles. Its when it comes to pop cans is when I have trouble sticking to my plan. Im still used to just tossing them in the trash. This challenge was pretty easy to conquer. I made my challenge easy so it wasnt out of my reach and a complete fail. If I keep doing what im doing im sure overall my challenge will be a success.

I think that my 30 day challenge will become a habbit. It is no longer a challenge for me. It is easy to throw away plastic waste and pop cans in a recycling ben. Im sure completeing my challenge did make a small environmental impact but im only one person so Its not going to be very big. Over my lifetime im sure I will have made a larger impact. Yes, I think this was a worthwhile experience. How hard is it to dispose of plastics and other things into a different trash can. Thirty days isnt really that long of a period. I did not have to sacrifice anything while doing my thirty day challenge. There are ways you can impact the environment in a good way besides having to giving up something in return. The upside to recycling is by not putting more waste into are landfills. By doing this I can save animals from being hurt in the trash and im also saving land space for the environment. It is worth it to contribute to the environment because it makes you feel good about yourself. No matter how large or small of a impact I made I know im doing something good for this planet. There are many things I could do to help our planet continue to be sustainable. A couple of ways I could change are washing my clothes in warm water instead of hot. I could also unplug appliances that are not used everyday.  Some of these are pretty simple. Also, I could start using compact flourescent lightbulbs. Some other  ways are insulating my home, replacing old windows, use traps instead of poisens to kill critters. These are only a few ways I can improve the environment. There are many more.

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