Monday, June 4, 2012

Final Blog

I had some really good times in Environmental Science. My favorite part of the class was doing the labs while also learning about energy efficiency. The part about the class that I enjoyed the most was going to the creek. It was a different atmosphere. I also enjoyed making multiple friends. Going to the creek I learned many things that I did not know before. I never knew that there were that many living organisms living on the rocks and in the dirt. I learned that certain bugs determine the health of the creek. If there are only leaches in it than it is most likely polluted. A valuable thing I learned was that the temperature of the creek can also determine the health of the creek. All these things can be very valuable to me and other people. I do look at the creek different in the fact that I'm interferring with someone else's habitat. It's kind of weird to know that everywhere you step your stepping on an organism. I look at the creek as a very valuable part in our ecosystem. It is very valuable to all animals. During the E3 Energy Unit I learned multiple things. The thing that probably stuck with me the most was all the places that there were drafts. I did not know a draft could come through a outlet. That was suprising. Also, I learned that the CFL's are much more conservated than the IL's. There a lot more expensive but they save you more money in the long run. I found it surprising that a lot of wasted energy just goes out the door. Sustainability really stuck with me because theres things in our everyday life's that we can do to cut down on the pollution and global warming we are making. Just thinking about what we are doing to this planet has an impact. Just a single person, cutting down on energy can have an impact. To know that at the rate were going at our planet can not sustain us is kind of sad. I learned that in a couple of years our population will be doubled and the Earth and its population will be in great trouble. I learned a lot about myself with what I can do in that unit. That was probably my favorite unit. This class has not affected me deeply but it has had an impact. I do not do anything different than what I used to. I do now have a greater appreciation for the world. I respect that our Earth is providing us with the natural resources we need to live.

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