Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It was the day that everybody had been anticipating, game seven of the NBA finals was about to begin. Kevin James took the day off of creating a movie called "Grown Downs" to invite some freinds over to watch the game. As he was calling everybody over, he remembered he had to polish his "MVP" or most valueable posession. A sleek and shiney red, white, and blue ball was sitting on top of his mantle, sticking out like a sore thumb! This ball was no ordinary game ball. It was the bonus ball that Micheal Jordan shot and made to win the 1986 three point contest. As Kevin is carefully finishing up his polishing and cleaning, the door bell rings. "Who could this be already?" Kevin looked out the peep hole and spots a compailing freind. He opens up the door and says, "Sorry about your loss!" There stood Lebron James. "It's alright"...says Lebron, "We wouldn't have won the finals anyway! I never have and I never will." Kevin looked at him in a simpathetic manor. "Cheer up, you have your whole carreer in front of you." Kevin invites Lebron in. As there talking about what could have been, each guest arrives at his house. One by one they come in. First Mark Wahlberg, then Lil' Wayne, next Will Smith, after that Ray Allen, and finally Kevin's bestfriend walks in, Adam Sandler. Everyone that came through the door couldnt help but notice the unique ball. Everyone had there share of questions and of course Kevin hasd his answers. After a long anticipating afternoon the championship finally comes on. Fox 28 had a special on how Dwight Howard and the rest of teams defense was able to stop the "train" in Lebron James. The whole house sat in silence, fearful that Lebron would go off. But no, he just sat there listening to the sarcasmic words that Dwight was saying. The silence finally broke when Kevin says "Who wants somethin to drink? I know I do!" The words "I do" come from everybody in the house. As everybody gets settled down, munching on there chips and  drinking there gatorade, Dwight Howard is clearly taking the game over. In the first quarter he already has 6 offensive rebounds, 12 points, and 4 assists. For the Lakers, Kobe Bryant is being shut down every possesion they get. As the game goes to the second quarter they hear a loud pop outside. The power goes out before the echo was gone from the noise. Everyone is on there feet thinking of a gun shot, but "Not in this neighborhood" says Kevin. As they walk slowly outside they realized what all the noise was. A power line and tranformer box had fallen on top of Lil' Waynes lambo. "Nooooooo" shouts out Lil' Wayne! Everyone is silent until Lil' Wayne says "It's alright, I got plenty more." Then with out any hesitation, everyone breaks out in a histaric laugh. "Hahahahaha" lets out Ray Allen. Lil' Wayne is quick to respond by saying "What are you laughing for? You got knocked out in the playoffs with Lebron." As much laughter that was already going on, the sound doubled. "Ok, I got you!" says Ray. After the laughter dies down, Kevin says "I'm goin in to call the police so we can get this worked out." Kevin goes and calls the police as the commosion is still going on outside. When the police arrive the call a tow truck and the electric company so the mess can get cleaned up. While this is happening everybody is either on the phone or tweetin to find out whats going on in the champioship game. After the electric company gets everything together and gets a new pole put up, there ready to return to the elctricity way of life. "Finally!" says Mark. Kevin rushes over to turn the light switch and the tv on. The game is in the fourth quarter with only five minutes left. Everyone is watching the game when suddenly Kevin yells out "Noooo! Where is it? Where is it? Who could of?" Everyone looks over to see a now empty mantle. "It was right here an hour ago!" says Lebron. Kevin goes into a frantic. "Who? Why?" Everyone is looking at eachother with confusion. "Let me look in your cars" says Kevin. Lil' Wayne in responce says "Well you've already seen mine, no need to look in it!" Ray says "Be our guests." With a couple of people looking freightend or confused Kevin gets his suspects. Kevin makes his way outside to the cars not even caring about the finals anymore. Before he could get to search the first car there the ball laid, flat in the mud. "No! My MVP!"

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